Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Anisha can't come here this weekend, it turns out.  Flights were too expensive because of the lack of them which goes from Binghamton to where she needs to head to, so I understand completely.  Still though, I am disappointed it didn't work out.  I could've used a hang out session with her, considering how I've been lately.

Luckily, I'll see my family this weekend, and we'll pick out dresses for Steph's wedding.  And although I think I'm in a better state of mind for the planning of Steph's wedding than I was for Dee's...since it is this particular time of year, I'm really not in the mood so much to do wedding stuff.  Of course I'll suck it up, like I sucked it up for Danielle, but still.  Of course, I'm happy for both of them, and I guess if I'm feeling as terrible as I'm feeling at the moment I'll just put on a smile and push through it.  I like to think I won't be so sad, because I'll be surrounded by family, but I never really know, at this rate.

Session in an hour.  I don't really know what to say that I haven't said a thousand times before?  I don't know.  I'm just really lethargic and sad and lame lately.  I just don't want to do anything, really.  And since I don't want to do anything, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to comprehend this assignment, which is making me angry with myself, which then makes me less motivated, and we've come full circle.

I noticed even in my STATA and R code I often write self-depreciating comments, because that is the most natural thing for me to do.

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