Monday, February 4, 2013

I know I literally just posted but

Man, I really hate myself a lot.

Aha, I don't know why that's funny to me.

Because as much as I dislike and loathe some people in my life (/no longer in my life), it doesn't even compare to my feelings about myself.

And then I get mad, because I try.  I try to do good and try to recognize when I've made mistakes and wronged people and whatnot.  Why do I hate myself more than I hate an asshole who is never going to recognize fully what damage he did to me, for example?

Is it because I still think deep down all that has happened to me has been partially my fault, or something?  That maybe I should have known and should have been in control of the situation?

Or maybe there is no reason, really.  Maybe I'm just really sick.

I don't know.

It's sad that not knowing something can bring up all this self-loathing.  Fuck.

I want a puppy.

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