Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Spent all my time in the office today, coding and getting work done.  Then went out to Applebee's with people for half-price appetizers and everything.

Feeling really tired, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

I need to stop going to his facebook page, by the way.  Because ugh I want to vomit everywhere (and aha stomach pains are back).  Fuck you.  I hate you.  You're a lying piece of shit douchebag.  I hope you know that and don't delude yourself into thinking anything other than that.

And I realize I'm being mature as fuck right now but I'm tired and cranky and just not in the mood, especially with Valentine's day bullshit surrounding me.

Tomorrow I might realize that I wrote this while mostly-asleep and delete it but whatever I don't care right now.

I want to hang out with guy this weekend.

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