Saturday, February 16, 2013

So Anisha and I ended up skyping for around five hours yesterday.  I had hoped to have half the book read by today and I really only am about 120 pages in.  Still over 400 to go.  And since my dad and sister are coming on Sunday now, I really wanted to have that all read by then?  I don't know if that is going to happen though, especially since I have things to do for my TA classes also.  Plus I want to hang with guy, play Halo 4 with Danny, go to the bank, do laundry, clean...I don't know how much time I'll have to do everything.

But do I regret hanging with Anisha for that long?  Absolutely not.

Carl and Brendan are both going to the city this weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day with people, and, I won't lie...part of me is bitter about it?  Like, Brendan was always in a serious relationship, but Carl is kind of just starting out and if all goes well might be in one soonish.  And, I mean, I want things to work out, for both of them, of course, but being the lone single person kind of gets annoying.  It's not a "holy hell I need to be in a relationship too" kind of bitterness, but more like the "...fuck you guys now who am I going to bitch and whine to about stuff" sort of thing.  I have plenty of people who are also in the same boat as me, but they're all far away.  And the large majority of students in our department are married, engaged, or in super-serious relationships and it just kind of gets annoying, I guess.

Though being the youngest, I suppose it makes sense?  I keep forgetting that I am very young in comparison.

I realize how selfish this all makes me sound, and I really don't mean, when I say this stuff, that I want their pursuits or relationships to fail.  No, absolutely not.  I want them to be happy, of course!  I hope that they come back and tell me how awesome their weekends were and everything, and I'll be genuinely excited for both of them.

These feelings pop up when I sit down and really think about stuff.  My knee-jerk reaction to their good relationship news is excitement.  So maybe I should just stop thinking about it.

Again, I wish I could retreat back into my fort, and not care about any of this kind of thing.

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