Friday, February 22, 2013


So I ended up shooting Carl and Brendan texts apologizing to them if I've seemed snippy with them at all lately.  I told them I've just been having a rough few days emotionally and that I was sorry.  I wasn't really worrying about it, since - like I said - I wasn't really worrying about anything tonight!  My mind seriously was very calm and quiet and it has been nice.  But I felt like it would be best if I did, because I have felt like I've been giving them some attitude that they don't deserve, and I wanted to apologize.

Both replied that I shouldn't worry about it, and that they love me.  Brendan said he's very happy to have met me and that I'm an awesome friend, and to him, I haven't been very snippy or anything.  Though he did say that I have seemed tired and a bit down lately, which I admit has been practically out on full display.  It is more exhausting to hide things sometimes.  But he reiterated that I can talk to him about anything.  Carl also said that he doesn't like (in like a it makes him sad way) when I'm feeling so down, and gave me reminders of puppies being in our shared apartment soon, which always makes me smile.

I promised them I would try to get out of this particularly bad funk.

But I'm especially happy, because they're both so understanding.

That even with my depression, which can just weigh on me and pull me down and make me feel horrible and worthless...

They'll pull me up.

And will not leave me.

They won't run from me.

And I love them both for it.

More than I can describe.

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