Friday, February 22, 2013

Game Theory

This class is so incredibly frustrating.

And not in the "I don't understand it so I'm frustrated" kind of way.  But more in the "these things can be interpreted differently because of the way the question is asked and everything is grossly disorganized and everything and I can't stand it" sort of frustration.

Spending 2+ hours on the homework while also being told that we're going to definitely go through the lecture, causing us to probably have to stay way after the time we're supposed to is really annoying.  Likewise, the idea that we might have to return after our workshop is also unfair, especially since my dad is coming to visit me today right after my workshops are scheduled to finish.

The whole class is just really disorganized, the questions we have to answer are vague, and these frustrations could be easily avoided, honestly.


Shame is that I actually kind of enjoy the subject.  But the class itself makes me want to rip out all my hair.

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