Friday, February 1, 2013

I know this is my third entry for today but oh well I am distracted and this book is really kind of boring.  It is talking all about the political sphere in New Haven, CT, and I'm assuming it is to build a theory later on, but as of now, I've yet to see a fully-fledged out hypothesis.  Which is really kind of annoying, actually.  Though to be fair, I might have missed it; my attention span has not been very...good for the past few hours.

Dinner had yet to be eaten, and I'm really not...hungry.  My stomach is feeling unsettled, for some reason (probably because I've been thinking about stuff which usually has that affect on me).  Though I'm used to it by now, I still don't like it.  I should have something, but I really don't want to at the same time.  The times I actually eat semi-well (as in, quantities; quality is never really that great) are usually when I am with friends or something, and am distracted enough to just eat rather than think about stuff and have my stomach get all twisted and gross-feeling.  It's a big reason I go out to eat way more than I probably should.

This reminds me: I should go get more pants.  Having only two properly fit me anymore is kind of annoying.  Though the belt makes it somewhat better, it's kind of really noticeable.

Tomorrow I'm definitely going to go to the office; I am usually way more productive when I'm there than when I'm at home.  Besides, roommate might have his D&D people over, and I just don't like being here a lot when they're all around.  I don't really know anything about them, but I dislike him, and it just is kind of awkward sometimes.

I want to ask guy if he wants to watch puppy bowl with me and friends.  I'm more excited for that than the Superbowl, and I have no regrets about that.

Skyping with Karen in less than an hour!  (Maybe while talking to her I'll snack on something...)

[Edit] - Didn't eat.  Oh well.  Also, talk was fantastic.  I really miss her.

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