Tuesday, February 5, 2013

After getting help from friends and my professor, I finished the STATA portion of our assignment.  I'm hoping I will maybe be able to get things easier later on now that I have some of the basics down, but I doubt it, really.  Now I need to spend today trying to figure out how to program in R, which seems like it might be more difficult because it is less user-friendly.

I'm hoping I won't get as frustrated as I did yesterday and go through an episode, because that was just not fun at all.

Plus I have readings to do and I really would like to get this programming assignment finished so I could read them before class tomorrow.

Counseling session today.  Have a lot of things to talk about, including that one really good thing.  Also I really need to get in touch with my doctor; I only have I think four days worth of meds left.  And I really do think it would be best if I continued.

I ought to decorate my desk again.  Since taking the Christmas stuff down it looks not as good.  (Though I find it funny that the other TAs when we met were reading the song lyrics I had up and asking me what poems they were.  I laughed and told them they were songs; I'm not cultured enough to have poems up.)

Speaking of songs, I need to listen to The Clash.  Among others.

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