Sunday, February 17, 2013

Halo 4

Halo 4 is all sorts of fun, holy shit.  The headset is so awesome to play with, too.  I was really happy when I found mine.

Since I just started, though, I still suck major, but I told Danny I wanted to go through the campaign to learn the controls and everything before starting online play against other players.  He originally wanted to just dive into online, but I'm really uncomfortable with playing things I don't really know with other people.  Usually I make myself actually need to get good at them before playing with others, depending on the game and those I'm playing with (though this usually left me playing only Melee and Brawl with others, and I even became self-conscious with those too).  But playing with really close friends who I know won't judge me always feels good.

Plus, it felt really nice having Danny bug me to play for so long, actually. the "maybe I'm not so worthless" category, sort of way.  He was really really excited when I told him during the week I would play with him and everything, and then all today he kept waiting for me to finish some work so we could get to it.

I've been getting a lot of those "maybe you're not so worthless" reminders lately.  It feels nice, actually. :)

Unfortunately, I ended up - aside from the 2 or so hours of Halo - doing work all day, and since I'm having family come up tomorrow, I felt it necessary to postpone plans with guy.  Which kind of sucked, but I wouldn't have gotten as much work done and I might not have been able to play with Danny, which I have been promising him for weeks now.  I am over 300 pages into that book, but it still leaves me with a ton more to go, unfortunately.  Hopefully tomorrow I can finish it, do the stuff I need to do for my TA class, clean the apartment, and look at the Methods homework for Wednesday.

Speaking of apartments, three people from our department are moving out of their townhouse, and I asked them if they could tell their landlord that three others from the same program might be interested in it.  It is in a really good location, and has basically everything that we want, I'm pretty sure.  Of course, we'll look at other places too, but that one definitely has the best location, being even closer to the school than my apartment is right now.

Also I bought "All My Friends Are Enemies: Early Rarities," which is a compilation album by Say Anything, of their earlier works.  I'm excited for it to get here so I can listen to it.  I'm still in the mode of buying the majority of my music because a) I'm paranoid, and b) I figure it is nice to support the artists I really enjoy.

My bed is even more comfortable right after I wash the sheets and everything.  Though getting the duvet cover on is really annoying.  But totally worth it.

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