Thursday, February 28, 2013

This band is so good so far.  Now that I've been listening to more songs, it definitely has a different sound than World/Inferno, but I can still hear aspects that probably influenced World/Inferno as well.  It seems more hardcore and (like I said previously) less cabaret, and is still kind of really fucking awesome.  They're just really good musicians!

I've been running around offering Stroopwafels to people.  I want to spread their awesomeness around to others.

I sat down with my Methods professor and went over some things for a while.  I think I understand some topics a little more now, but I want to go over things later again just to be sure.  He did reassure me that I'm not the only one who doesn't get it, and most likely I actually am getting things and just don't realize it (at least, that is what my homeworks have been showing him thus far).  Also, he tried to tell me not to have unrealistic expectations about where I should be with this stuff.

I laughed, and remarked that I do that for everything.

Of course he didn't really get that I meant everything, not just school-related stuff, but it was still funny to me.  Even a professor who doesn't know about my inner thoughts has told me not to have such unrealistic expectations of myself.

Perfectly aware of the day, and trying to not think about it so much right now, simply because doing so will make me sad and angry.  I'm at the office, so it isn't the best time to have those two emotions dominate my mind.  But I'll probably still have some long tl;dr thing later or something, because it is inevitable that I'll think heavily about it when I'm alone, sadly enough.

After lunch, I might want to run over to the animal shelter and talk about volunteering.  We'll see.

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