Monday, February 4, 2013

My TA session went marvelously this morning.  I actually had to force people to stop because we were over time.  I'm really pleased with that, especially since I sometimes had so many problems last semester with getting people to talk in one of my classes.  It might also be because American government is just easier to discuss more in-depth because people already know some things about it, and also because it is a much narrower field than comparative is.  (I do actually have a girl from my comparative class in my American one, so I was pleased, since I had really liked her!)  Hopefully my Wednesday class will be just as talkative.

I'm not feeling very well, now, though.

Working with STATA is getting me more and more frustrated, to the point where I couldn't stay and work with people anymore.  I was just angry.  At everyone asking me questions but doubly (or more) so at myself, because I just didn't understand anything.  Why my code wasn't working, and why I was not getting things I should have been getting.  I don't know.

I felt stupid, and I hate that feeling.

It results in me just beating myself up more and more.

Which I don't really understand why I do, since everyone else is having the same issues.  But I don't know.  I find it inexcusable for me.

I'm really tired.  Maybe I'll nap or just lay down for a bit.  I do need to figure out grades for my class today, but I'll take care of that later at some point.

Sometimes I wonder if I should ever tell my profs about some of my issues?  I don't want to use it as an excuse, but more if I ever seem really upset for something that should be no big deal, they know why.

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