Sunday, February 17, 2013


I find it hilarious that one of the "virtues" that he constantly spouted to me was that he never lied to me.  Ever.  He swore up and down that I had never been lied to, and that everything he always said was the truth.

Oh.  How hilarious.

I'm learning so many things!

Are you remarkably delusional, or is that just another lie you told me?  Honestly, I'm curious.  Do you actually convince yourself that you're at least - despite all your other hideous qualities - an honest person?

Because, sweetheart, you probably should stop thinking that if you do.

You're a liar.  And a coward.

I must have been so easy to deceive, what with my unconditional trust in you.  That you deliberately took fucking advantage of at every opportunity.

I despise you with every fibre of my fucking being.

Right now I don't feel too guilty that I genuinely wish unhappiness on you.

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