Friday, February 15, 2013

So I'm skyping with Anisha (yay!), and though she put this also as a comment for one of my pictures I posted on facebook, she told me that she's not okay with how thin my arms looked, saying that they don't normally look like that, and that I need to eat more food.  (Brought up because I told her I was just going to grab some chips before talking, and she said she didn't care what I ate, at this rate.  Just that I eat.)

And though I laughed and brushed it off, I kind of see what she's talking about.

Though that brings me back to the food/eating problem that still plagues me.  I still need to go get more pants, because none really fit me aside from the two newer ones, and even those are looser than they were when I got them.  Whether or not that is because of wear or because I've lost even more weight, I don't know.  But yeah.

Other than that, we hated on Valentine's Day, laughed/complained about certain people, talked about food, and complained about the fact that we're not closer to each other.  I do miss her a lot a lot.

My dad and sister are now coming Sunday rather than Thursday.  I'm excited about that!

I have a 500+ page book to read by Monday, though.  Wahhhh.

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