Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Such Great Heights

Still get stomach pains when listening to it.

Which is annoying, because it is a fantastic song.  But is also why I haven't listened to it a heck of a lot.

Seriously, if I could listen to it with no physical reaction, it'd probably be one of my most-played songs.

Session today at 1.  Which is good and needed.  (Sometimes I ever wonder if my counselor thinks I'm not really making any progress and I just take steps back for x amount of steps forward I take.  But then I try to stop that thinking; she recognizes my issues and everything, and is more patient about them than everyone else I've talked to about them.)

Feeling lethargic today.  But regardless, I hope to get a lot of work done.  I'll be in the office probably all day today.  Reading, coding, and making games for game theory.  

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