Monday, April 28, 2014

Wow I suck.  I can't even think of a fucking topic for the paper for this class and it is pathetic.  I know my prof was trying to steer me toward foreign policy stuff since, well...that has been my area of choice lately.  But I favour U.S. foreign policy and since I'm not allowed to do that (class being a comparative one and all), I have yet to figure out what I would want to do in a comparative sense.  All I'm thinking about is something about issue ownership of cleavages but I know she really was trying to steer me away because I think she is aware of my current topic area.

Bah.  Why can't this be fucking simple.

I was thinking about an idea of whether or not party matters in terms of fear of leadership turnover and shit but I think that might be too IR-heavy for this class.  I don't know, really.

Man, I am fucking atrocious at everything.

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