Saturday, April 5, 2014

I finally submitted my front end because I didn't know what else to do with it and it is Saturday already.

Also I got into a facebook battle with some ignorant as shit men who basically kept saying that women aren't oppressed and are trying to get more power than men and I probably shouldn't have but I just was so mad about it.  Maybe later I'll post screenshots or something but this is a shit show and I probably shouldn't have gotten involved but I was angry about the ignorance and the fact that no one was really standing up to these pieces of crap.

And then, of course, because my tone isn't 100% "oh well you have some good points" (because they didn't) blah blah blah they get all defensive and huffy and say that I'm not engaging in "polite discourse" and that I'm not being mature, etc., etc.

Then, as it always happens with these "nice guys," it turned into "GET OFF YOUR PERIOD" and then I just laughed because these people try to call themselves allies of women when they're clearly MRAs in disguise.


Oh well.

Last day in Chicago and I might just forgo conference to hang out with sweetie.  Woo.

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