Saturday, April 12, 2014

So today has been nice and relaxing and even my parents said that I looked much better when I woke up this morning and that was actually true.  It probably is because I am home and away from Binghamton and now all my sisters are here and my nephew-doggie is here too and he and Callie are cuties and everything.  

Today has just been filled with chatter and doggies and fun stuff.  I did try and further explain my apathy and when it was taken as laziness I quickly tried to correct that mischaracterization.  I also, in a very informal way, mentioned new medication and the fact that now I really couldn't drink because the new one lowers your seizure threshold and that combining that was alcohol is apparently dangerous, according to doctor. 

Eventually, I will look at work.  But today is not that day.  Tomorrow probably won't be that day either.  I don't know when it will be.  I know I should get things done, but I also have Nancy's voice in the back of my head saying that I need to do things for me, so I'm thinking about that too.  While I need to do things, I also know that feeling like I constantly needed to finish things and being in Binghamton and getting no to little recognition for thing I have done and getting brushed off constantly...all these and more have contributed to this crash and my lack of production.  So a break from thinking about all of that is probably best for me, truthfully. 

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