Friday, April 18, 2014


You know, self, I know some of these ideas for semester-end papers are appealing to you at the time you think of them, but you really ought to start thinking about what the data is going to consist of and everything, because having a dataset that starts out with over 12,000 observations and the cases you want to look at constitute maybe 100 or so of them, that might be problematic.  While having a smaller-n is closer to what you like, it is really weird, especially since you're skeptical about whether or not even these cases are what you're trying to capture.

But this is the Supreme Court database might want to look at the Court of Appeals and the Federal District Courts for more observations.

Pick easier fucking topics.

But no.  You want to do things you can't find a lot on.  Which I guess is good in a scholarly way.  But it isn't so good when you find even writing a two-page response paper to be a daunting task and can't find the energy to research these things.

You have one more paper topic you need to think about.  Please make it bearable and doable.  Please.

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