Monday, April 7, 2014

Finally got back to Bing not too long ago, though I found that I wish I stayed home really quickly after I walked in the door.  Why?  Because the kitten was out and of course Callie freaked out upon seeing her and started going nuts when she was trying to say hi and everything.  And holding back Callie when she is that excited/stressed is not exactly easy.  So I was trying to figure out the best way to go about doing things, when one of the roommates started kind of getting huffy because Callie was well...doing exactly what I said she was going to do.

Really, what I wanted was for Callie to at least sniff the kitten and say hi face-to-face because otherwise she would just continue to freak out and bark and everything.  Because she comes home and all of a sudden there is this new creature she has never met before in her territory and so of course she is going to freak out.  She has only ever really tried to chase cats so this is now all weird and the cat coming into her space before she came home was not a good idea.  But alas.

Anyway, when I kept trying to let Callie just sniff the kitten and say hi and whatnot, roommate got all accusatory (at least from my point of view); that "this is not the proper way to introduce a dog to a cat."  Hearing that really really bothered me, because it sounded to me as if he was blaming me for doing something wrong, and he seemed annoyed with Callie for doing exactly what I said she was going to do.  So I then got really annoyed and frustrated.

I don't remember what triggered it...I think it was when, after roommate asked something and I was thinking about how to respond in a way that wasn't going to be me yelling, he then said, again, really huffy and before I came up with a way to respond, "fine, don't talk to me."  And I just kind of saw red and started going off on him.  I don't remember exactly what I said, but I know it was along the lines of that it wasn't fair to Callie that a cat was brought in to her space without her being here and this is what I said she was going to do and that this shit should have been discussed with me beforehand.  That I didn't care about another animal being brought in the house as long as Callie would be okay with it.  If she was going to freak out or anything, then it wasn't fair to her, and frankly, since she was here first she kind of gets final say and shit.  That it was really inconsiderate for other roommate's boyfriend to just bring a damn cat home without actually having a conversation with us, and that it wasn't fair.  Roommate yelled and asked why I was getting frustrated with him because he was just "trying to help," and I just replied that I was frustrated in general and that his accusatory tone had made me pissed off, an he said that he wasn't accusing me and then I left and took Callie out for a walk despite the fact that it was raining and everything.

And of course, that walk really consisted of me calling my parents and complaining to them, trying not to let my anger give way to tears and shit.  Both of them did help calm me down, and let me just rant about how I'm kind of sick of feeling like I'm the bad guy when I get annoyed with something that I had already expressed concern over or something I had asked them to do and they didn't do it or something like that.

When I got back I was a bit calmer but still angry, and I expressed why I blew up and stuff.  And that all I wanted was for Callie to actually meet the kitten face-to-face because, knowing her and her personality, she will just keep freaking out until then.  That what I wanted was for someone to maybe hold the kitten and I could hold Callie and let her sniff and see this new creature, who again, is all of a sudden in her territory and everything.  Roommate asked if we should do that now and I said no, since he was going somewhere.  But after he left I decided to pretty much do that anyway.

I put Callie in her crate and brought the kitten into my room.  She roamed around while Callie watched her, though I could tell she was stressed cause she was drooling some, when she normally doesn't do that at all.  And I put the kitten up to her crate so she could sniff her and everything.  When I thought maybe she was calm enough, I took her out and picked the kitten up so they could meet, but after some time doing that Callie got really excited/more stressed, so I put her back in the crate again to let the kitten walk around some more.  Eventually, Callie calmed a bit more and laid down, just watching.  After some time again I took her out, and she was okay for a bit but soon started barking and going nuts and stuff.  So I decided to put the kitty back in her own room, but let Callie come in and watch her a bit more before separating them.  I know I shouldn't expect too much at the moment.

When roommates all came home, the one who adopted kitten came in and we talked a bit.  I was calmer, so I explained that I was a bit frustrated that a conversation didn't happen first but I think he knew and understood that.  I then explained what happened and then what I did and we are hoping that with some more time, things will get better between the two.


...I have work to do.

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