Wednesday, April 23, 2014

For some reason, I am so unbelievably tired despite getting enough sleep, going for a walk, and showering.  I still feel as though I could pass out at any moment and not wake up for another few hours, which is really annoying, actually.

I ought to do some sort of work today, since I didn't really do anything yesterday or anything.

Thinking about switching Callie's food again, even though the last time I did that I was met with bad consequences via her skin breaking out and everything.  However, I was looking at this brand that is supposed to be excellent and is made completely in the US with US ingredients.  She has been a bit lethargic lately and hasn't been eating her food a lot (though I suppose that has always been the case, really), but I have been wondering again if I higher quality food would be better for her.  (Unfortunately that does also mean more money spent on her food and less places to buy it but that is okay.  They do sell it on Amazon discounted.)

Really, I should wait until I see the vet next week, but I still am curious about it.  Maybe I'll just buy a 5 pound bag or something and mix it with her other food and see how that goes, or something.

...I should not be laying in bed because I really will fall asleep.

Oh, and I am getting a new phone, which is great because mine once again froze on me and I woke up later than I wanted to.  Getting the HTC One (M8), so I'm pretty stoked.

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