Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As I was walking Callie before, a guy pulled up to me and my sister (who had Jack), asking us if we knew anyone who had a gray pitbull with a white face.  We didn't, and he said that he had found her on his porch, and was keeping her in his yard for the time being in case anyone showed up looking for her.  So we went a particular route to make sure we were able to stop by this house and see this pup while on our way back (which was easy since he was on my block, actually).  When we got there, this cutie greeted us:

She was the sweetest fucking thing ever.  Holy hell all she wanted was to play and be petted and all that jazz.  Given that, and the fact that her coat and nails and teeth and everything were in really good shape, it was obvious that someone was missing this dog.  Callie and her played a little bit, while my sister snapped this photo and put it up on facebook to see if anyone knew who her family was.  And then, since she seemed incredibly high-strung and stressed, I offered to take her for a walk. 

I went back home first and put Callie back in my house and I asked my dad if he could come with me because maybe he knew someone (I am not sure why I thought that but I figured why not).  Of course, I was getting looks from both my parents, who I guess couldn't understand why I would offer to help so much and my mom pretty much just told me not to bring another dog (as if I was going to), and I just said that I wanted to help.  I can't imagine losing Callie so I can't imagine how terribly this family was missing her and was probably really worried and stuff.  Really, I just wanted this pup to find her home, and if I could help her in any way, then I wanted to do that.  Though despite knowing I was doing the right thing, the unwarranted judgment I received kind of made me feel oddly uncomfortable and like I was doing something wrong for some reason.  Though I guess that isn't all that isn't like this is the first time where I thought I was doing the right thing and someone else looked at me weird and I suddenly started questioning myself. 

Anyway, I went back with a leash and my dad was with me.  I took her and we all went for a stroll.  First, to the nearby Animal Hospital to see if they could figure out if she was microchipped or not.  Unfortunately, it was closed.  Then we walked around some more on streets that my dad knew was home to many dogs, but no one was out, really.  Finally, we took a turn on the street before mine, and soon spotted a family waving to us.  We were super happy, but not as much as the pup and they were, given that she started running towards them and one of the little girls ran to her and it was so fucking cute.  And it was awesome to see and I was really glad I was able to help reunite them and everything. 

Again, though, despite knowing this was the right thing to do in my mind and I really didn't want to do anything else, I kept fearing that I had annoyed my parents and everything, and that made me question everything.  Which was kind of upsetting, because I should not always seek approval from my family and friends when I am doing something I think is right.  But I guess that constant desire to please everyone over myself isn't something that goes away overnight.

Still.  Maybe someday I could actually do things for me and do things that I want, regardless of what others think.

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