Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My session today included me being sad/annoyed about ex-thoughts and ex-related dreams, being stressed about all the work I need to complete before the end of the semester and the subsequent bullshit I have been dealing with from one of the professors, and being anxious and lonely and stuff and worrying about where and when I could make new friends and all.

Really, I have this weird thing: I constantly wish I had more friends here outside of my department, to get away from school and work and stuff...yet the idea of going out and meeting people is not something I particularly want to do.  It is too much effort, and I know that I won't be able to put the time in to cultivating a new friendship either.  Really, I start and then stop communicating, because that is how I am and the idea of putting an effort into a friendship is just...a lot of work.  A lot of work and since I am cynical and have been continually disappointed, I just assume that whomever I try to befriend or whatever with will just betray me in the end or something.  Probably not a very good assumption, but it is where my mind runs to first.


Was going to write more, but I got distracted by some drama unfolding on tumblr.  I'm not even in this fandom, but what is going down is fucking popcorn-worthy.

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