Saturday, April 12, 2014

I know there are a good chunk of Ursinus people - past and present - who are on tumblr and I'm always tempted to follow them and be all "HI I TOO AM FROM UC" but I know that would be weird as shit and everything.  Plus it would imply that I am more active on my tumblr than I honestly am.  I just like reblogging stupid shit.

Really, I should sleep but I kind of don't want to yet.

And I keep thinking about the past today for some reason and I don't know why.  I'm not necessarily sad.  It is just that 'meh' emotionless thing again.  I just keep thinking about questions and having this idea in my head that if I can't move past this thing entirely then what does it say about me and any future entanglements I might have?  If any?  As I've said, I really haven't had any real romantic connections (except maybe with friend-guy?  But that has become more of an emotional one, I suppose) since, and even those friendship connections have been few and far between.

I know I overthink these things and everyone tells me things will get better and this will happen and that will happen and all that but I just kind of feel stuck.  Of course, school does not help with that at all.  So I really am hoping this time away from Binghamton will be good to and for me.

Plus, when I get back, I'll go see college roommate the weekend after!  The reunion shall be glorious.

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