Sunday, April 6, 2014


I missed this face when I was gone.  I know it was only for a few days, but still.  She also missed me, apparently, since she was so excited that she went nuts and then we played for a while when I got back and then went on a walk and now she is sleepy.  

Got back to the Island not too long ago, and I am still very much tired but since I took some naps on the planes I'm not very sleepy?  If that makes sense.  I feel tired but I don't think I'd be able to fall asleep if I tried to at the moment.  My plan originally was to go back to Binghamton today but I might just email the prof I TA for and say I got stuck on the Island today or something and so I won't make it back in time.  She was also at Midwest, so hopefully she'll understand.  And then if I am late to class so be it.  I really don't care at the moment. 

I did have these weird sad feels last night that I didn't really talk about because I was with a friend and I really should not have been sad.  I just felt really...I don't know.  My roommates were out partying, and I kept thinking that I was being really boring for not really wanting to do much despite being in a new city and everything.  It was just kind of this mental crisis I started going through; that I am never really a fun person to be around and I wish I could find enjoyment in things other people liked but I instead would rather just hang out and do nothing and cuddle with someone and stuff. 

Though it probably also didn't help that I missed some meds because I was too busy doing stuff and everything and I forgot about them.  Oops. 

Really, I don't want to go back to Binghamton at all. 

Bought my squishable Catbug.  I can't wait.  Ahhhhh.


  1. Nothing wrong with just hanging out and doing nothing :) I've found your blog recently, you're a very interesting person.

    1. Ah, thank you! :) I really don't think so but I'm glad someone does at least! :D And aha yeah, I prefer to just hang than do most other things.
