Thursday, April 10, 2014

So instead of doing work I again found myself involved in a facebook battle over the rights of oppressed groups, though this time it was alongside roommate who was arguing against a homophobic shithead.  He let me argue some points under his name, since he said he was slightly intimidated at first due to knowing the guy and because they were in the same frat as undergrads and stuff.  So I went off on him.  Why is it that people seem to equate freedom of speech with freedom from criticism?   I don't understand that.  Intolerant people usually cry fowl when others call them out on their bullshit, saying things like "so much for tolerance" and crap like that.  But they fail to actually understand the point of the first amendment and I find that hilarious.

Of course, because the guy was rightly called an asshole, everyone focused on that and derailed the argument into a tone thing, to which this was the only appropriate response:

More things happened but I am tired so I won't elaborate too much.  Oh, and a really hilarious response was given about how the LGBTQ* community is militant and fascist and bullies and roommates and I all got a really good laugh about it.  And one of them said that we should thank them for "having more reasons to make fun of conservatives."

We are such leftist fascists, apparently.

I kept wanting to put more and more sarcastic responses but I know too many is overkill and also I tend to go overboard because I find it hilarious (almost as a coping mechanism, really).

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