Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Saw Captain America with dad and sister and it was thoroughly enjoyable.  Which I found odd because while I enjoy the Captain, he usually doesn't enthrall me the way he did in this movie.  Plus there were some twists and shit that I liked and overall I'm really liking his story arc a lot.

I did watch wishing there was a major female superhero movie though (but I guess I always do that).  I've been waiting on a big Wonder Woman movie for years now, and although they have an actress and she has been signed and everything, I still refuse to get my hopes up about it happening until I actually see a trailer and release date.  And even then, I am skeptical about how good it will be, because Hollywood sucks with female characters for the most part.  Basically, I would only trust Joss Whedon to do it.

But it would be nice to have a major superhero on the big screen who wasn't a white, heterosexual, cisgendered dude.  It really really would.

[Edit] - Totally unrelated: the only reason I ever would want a super fancy camera would be to take really nice pictures of shelter dogs because high-quality photos increase chances for adoption and stuff.

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