Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It is my turn this week to be the "peer reviewer" for the response papers for my IR class and instead of doing them I finally watched the last few episodes of 30 Rock that I never actually watched and now I am watching more Parks & Rec because I just don't have the energy or desire to work or anything.

Though I probably should get to it, shouldn't I? 

My session was filled with discussions about roommates and house stuff, and things having to do with Chicago and possible genetic depression from conversation with aunt and everything.  I mentioned my dream about ex, but we didn't get to it simply because I did not really want to talk about it...  The images have been kind of burned in my head and have been thus super fucking distracting and upsetting. 

...I was going to write more.

Also I am so fucking physically uncomfortable right now and I'm not sure what it is exactly but I just can't get comfy and wahhhh.

I might go to bed early. 

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