Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My ability to bullshit or at least come off as somewhat coherent and competent despite not knowing at all what I'm doing has reached new levels.  My presentation today was actually decent, despite coming up with the idea for it at one in the morning and then writing up the powerpoint today during the 501 lecture.  Honestly, I really didn't think what I had made any sense, but my prof apparently really liked something in particular especially, and so now I'll angle my paper in that direction (which was actually the direction I originally was thinking of taking the paper but was afraid it would be too IR for her).  She also said that what I am looking at does not have a lot of existing work and there is a big hole in that part of the literature and that if I wanted to do more with this later on it would probably be really good since no one else really has done it.  

I did also appreciate, actually, that after I said how my presentation was going to be informal and stuff and came across like I just really did not think I was going to do well, she told me that I gave a formal presentation that was conference-worthy, and basically that she didn't understand why I thought differently.  And then friends told me that I sell myself short too much and I often think that I don't think things through a lot and don't realize that I do a lot of work and have good ideas and stuff.  And that I apologize for a lot of things I do not need to apologize for, which is just kind of a habit because I always feel as though I am bothering people and stuff.

It was also nice that the 501 prof, when we were walking back from class also said she thinks I am coming up with really interesting ideas.  That yeah, it kind of sucks that I'm having trouble finding some data and stuff, but that it is good that I'm still coming up with interesting questions and venturing into those areas despite a lack of existing literature.

Apparently, I am good at picking topics like that.  Which is, while interesting, incredibly difficult and frustrating for me.

But yeah, I was also told that just because I didn't spend as many days on something doesn't mean I didn't work hard and don't know what I'm talking about.  It seems as though to others I can do the same work in a week that other people do in months, and that is weird to me, I guess.  I always just felt like I put in less work and stuff, or something.  I don't know.

After classes I did something with some data and then just hung out because I am a loser and everything.  I should sleep.  I am tired and need to get up early for meeting and shower and stuff.

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