Friday, April 11, 2014

Right now if I could have any magical power it would be the ability to pack things without getting up.  I could just point clothes toward a suitcase and then that suitcase to the car and everything would be packed.  And then teleportation, so I wouldn't need to actually drive.  Even though sometimes the drives are fun, actually.

Also I just saw people all butthurt over Frozen comparisons to others and it was hilarious yet kind of sad (in a 'holy hell you guys are pathetic' sort of way).  Not to mention everything they were saying didn't make any sense whatsoever.

Going to head out to the Island hopefully in about an hour to an hour and a half or something like that.  All sisters are gonna be there so wheeeee that is exciting.

...I think one of my tank tops is in Callie's crate.  Wat.  Callie, give that back.

I'm feeling pretty okay right now but I'm also kind of having some ex-related thoughts and I'm not sure why.  I'll just keep blaming it on that dream I had a few days ago.

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