Thursday, April 3, 2014

So, if my last picture did not give it away, I am officially in Chicago after a day of traveling and such.  Left from the Island, had a layover in Philly, and then got here a little after 3.  Unfortunately I did not get to the hotel until around 5, since I got stuck in traffic kind of hardcore.

(Also sideline: Window's released its version of Siri, and it is Cortana and I geeked out hardcore because Cortana.  Ahhhhhhh.  I do need a new phone...but I still like Android and stuff...decisions.)

But we went to that restaurant and waited around for a while and it was so worth it because that stuff was awesome.

...Wow I am more tired than I thought.

I have my poster session tomorrow morning at 10:30, so I should probably leave the hotel an hour ahead of time.  The conference hotel is a 15 minute walk away, so it shouldn't be too bad.  (Speaking of our hotel, it doesn't offer free internet, so roommate called the front desk and charmed his way into getting us free internet in response to signing up for their rewards card, so yay.)  I would say I'm nervous, but I'm really...not?  It is more that I just don't want to do it.  I just don't want to have to go and talk to people.  ...Plus, I still need to write the front-end for my IR class, and I should write a reaction paper for Monday.  And I have a reaction paper for Wednesday.  And I am the peer reviewer for Wednesday.  And I am a discussion leader for Thursday.


None of that I give two fucks about, honestly.

Maybe I'll do something after my poster session tomorrow.  Maybe.

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