Friday, April 4, 2014

Front End

I love the word 'ubiquitous.'  I have no idea really why.  I just do.  It is such a good word and sounds so nice and yeah I'm at that point where I am so pleased with a word for some reason.

Finally, I have started the front-end of my IR paper, though I am honestly putting my blinders on and am just writing, because I need to fucking write.  My theory and everything is obviously not going to be very long (and I should not have talked to roommates, one of whom wrote a 10 page front-end claiming that it was not long at all, and the other who wrote 20 pages), and it is really...kind of going to be me pulling shit out of my ass.  I'm really not familiar with this literature, and it appears that what I am looking at is not really asked...which is both good and bad for me.  Good in the sense that no one has really done it before, so it is an original idea.  Bad in the sense that it makes finding sources particularly difficult.  I'm not sure how to even search for things, honestly.  And I'm going to have to start drawing a bunch of lines that probably do not make much sense but I will try I guess.  Despite being really tired and not wanting to do this and still being really fucking unmotivated.

(Side note: Two Door Cinema Club just came on overhead where I am sitting in the hotel and the playlist has been filled with awesome bands and I applaud whoever made this playlist holy shit.  It has really been mostly alternative/indie/rock/etc. and I am so pleased with this.)

As much as I enjoy the fact that I actually do think deductively more than I originally thought, it is kind of a pain in the ass, because then finding data for these random questions can often be really annoying.  And finding pieces to bolster an idea such as this one really isn't much easier.


This really is just going to be a bunch of bullshit, I think.  But if I could write it, that would be fantastic.

You know, one of the roommates nudged me when we were walking, saying that there won't be many times where I am around a bunch of smart people and a lot of the guys are hot and stuff.  I just kind of laughed and shrugged, with no actual interest in doing anything like that.  Partially because I just do not give a shit right now about most things, and maybe partially because I would rather find a mathematician/computer scientist/engineer type because I am a fucking weirdo.  Or maybe I am just using that as an excuse to not meet people in that sort of way.  But I do like the STEM field people.  Don't ask me why.

...I probably am just making excuses.

Eh, whatever.  It is a working conference anyway.  I shouldn't feel bad for not being interested in mingling for anything other than networking purposes.

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