Sunday, February 9, 2014

When I was in high school, I had a year or two where I had bright red streaks in my hair.  They would fade to a copper colour, and it looked pretty sweet.  Really, I liked the red, but my mom really didn't and thought it was unprofessional and everything.  So I kind of stopped doing it.

But part of me wants to get red highlights again.  Professionally done at a salon this time, rather than doing it at home.  I think it would look pretty sweet and stuff.

I'm just thinking about making a change or some sort.  Maybe making some changes physically would be good for me...I don't know.  This kind of goes along with the tattoo I still would like to get but have not tried for or anything.

Constantly I have these ideas in my head of what I would like to do, but I never follow up on them because I'm a lame ass loser.

Also, I stupidly found ex's photobucket because I am an idiot who does idiotic things and it has made me sad.  And then I started thinking about friend-guy and how I still really am disappointed with that whole saga and with the response I got from my professor yesterday I'm very much in a self-loathing mood.

I want to run away.

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