Sunday, February 16, 2014

Walked the dogs and the poop bag I had split and got all over my jacket (luckily my puffy one and not my peacoat) and it was gross and it smelled and people are using the washing machine and stuff so I just put it outside to air out and tomorrow when the washer is free I will put that in there because gross.

Also, I know the roommate and I are helping each other out and stuff when we take the other's doggie out for walks, but I am becoming more and more frustrated with his pup on our walks.  He just constantly pulls and never seems to learn, even when I harshly correct him with a leash snap or a face plant or something.  And of course, he riles up Callie sometimes, so she isn't as well behaved when he is around compared to when it is just her.

Right now, since it is so cold (seriously, let us just say that when it is in the teens I'm all "IT'S WARM YAY" and I don't even feel it as bad when it is in the higher single digits) it really is beneficial for us to split the walks, but I might ask to just go with Callie when the Spring hits unless his pup stops pulling because it really does aggravate me and I'm not sure what to do, since all the corrections I do with Callie which work on her don't seem to phase him.

Mind you, Callie is not perfect on every walk herself, but she is more receptive to my corrections when she isn't behaving, and she was receptive when I first took her home (not as well as now, but still).

Really, I might just be getting annoyed at everything.  The puppy acts like a puppy and I'm getting more annoyed at him, which isn't fair because he is young and everything.  Really, the thing that grates on me the most is the barking.  He barks at fucking everything, it seems like sometimes.  If we are walking, he can't go past anyone without going crazy, and he is small so he has a somewhat high-pitched bark and it kind of rings in your ears.  It makes me more grateful for the fact that Callie has never really been like that and usually is super quiet (exception of whining...she whines more than she should, but it is usually if I leave the room or I'm in the bathroom and she isn't...that kind of stuff).

Again, I know I am being unfair; it isn't like Callie was super well-behaved in her first few months, but I guess she was never as young, and I just felt like she listened better than he does.  Though I guess that comes with her breeding and everything.  Then again, I suppose the pup's (assumed) breeding explains his behaviour as well.

...I still need to find an agility place to try and start on that with Callie.

Finished my response (well, besides editing) for Wednesday, so now I need to do stuff for Thursday tomorrow.  Yay for being ahead sometimes.

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