Monday, February 17, 2014


I am so annoyed at everything right now. Roommate is acting all weird and I don't know if it is just because of his own reasons or because I wasn't enthusiastic this morning and didn't say he could come in my room (since, you know, I was getting ready...and it is my room so I don't need an excuse.

Then instead of parking a few feet further away, he parks in a spot covered in snow, so now the car is stuck. Which I wouldn't care about, because I could just walk, but I need to pick the pups up from daycare later. So woo.

Then, instead of walking beside me to this class (which he complained about last time and it is optional for him, since it is my TA class), he just walked behind me awkwardly, which made me more and more annoyed. I decided to say fuck it and keep walking at my own pace.

And now I am listening to a conversation among the first years that makes no goddamn sense and so I'm getting even more annoyed.

Music time until prof arrives.

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