Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So I did not read the book I was supposed to read to for today.  On top of that, I still have the lesson plan for tomorrow's workshop to figure out (as of right now I have no idea even what topic I want to go through), and I have two or three articles to read for judicial.  Really, I should probably be panicking, but I just do not care.  Especially about the book for today, since it is IR, with the prof who is super narrow-minded.  I picked it up and looked at it, saying to myself, "well I'll probably read it wrong anyway."  Or maybe that was just an excuse to tell myself, because I didn't care enough to read it.

Instead I spent last night watching South Park and playing Diablo and trying to not think about things that I said in my session and everything.  Oh, and I forced myself to eat despite it feeling like I was swallowing shards of broken glass. I told Nancy and my parents that I would go to health services but I didn't want to and I missed the walk-in hours so whatever.  It isn't really all that important.

I have so many things I need to do and absolutely no motivation or energy to do any of them.  And I just do not want to go to class at all.  Like, I wish I felt worse so that I had a reasonable excuse to skip it.  It is just going to be another three hours of suckage and listening to someone say that we're pretty much all really dumb because we didn't read "between the lines" or whatnot.  (I did at least read the articles so woo.)

Maybe I'll skim through as much of it now as I can.  Even though I don't want to and really don't see the point in doing so.

Man, I really need to make an appointment with my doctor, because it might be a good idea to up my meds dosage.

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