Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sitting in the computer lab and trying to read stuff even though I do not want to at all.  And writing this on one of the computers in here since I decided not to bring my laptop with me, thinking that maybe I could get more done if I didn't.  So far, it was working.  Brought Callie and roommate had brought Murray but Murray kept barking and having accidents so he left to bring him back home.  Callie is really quiet most of the time, so I can bring her with me at any time and she'll just lay or chew on an antler or something and behave.  Sometimes she'll whine a bit, but she gets over it pretty fast.  I think she likes coming with me to school, even if I have work I need to do, more than being home all by herself.

 The lump in my throat seemed to have been gone but it actually is still around, and it is really really annoying.

I'm kind of tired, but there is nothing new there, really. 

And I keep thinking about friend-guy and ex and things and I don't want to be.  Even though I don't feel much in way of emotional responses, it is really just kind of distracting at the very least.

Ex is the one I really don't want to be thinking about, but I guess with Valentine's Day and breakup-versary coming up, I shouldn't be all that surprised.

And then when roommate keeps asking me how I'm doing, I'll just keep responding with "eh," and move on to talking about other things.  Because that is how I am.

I should get back to reading.

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