Sunday, February 2, 2014

Today I kind of threw myself into reading because I really did not want to think about things.  I knew that if I started really thinking about stuff for a while I would not be able to finish what I wanted to complete.  So I just kind all day.  Got through a little over 300 pages of reading while taking notes, and took the doggies to the park, cleaned a little, took a shower, ran to Target, cleaned up my computer some by uninstalling various programs and updating my yeah.  I was actually productive today.  Which meant I was able to run and hide from my own mental demons and problems.

I did buy a planner while out shopping, as I think that having things written down, rather than just on my phone/google calendar, will help me get things finished.  If I plan out exactly when I would like to have the readings for certain classes done, and when I want papers to be completed by, and when I should write lesson plans, etc., etc., then maybe I'll be able to pencil in more time for my own projects (as I currently have three that I am unfortunately stalling on due to lack of time).  Of course, also, maybe doing this might actually also give me more free time; if I am organized and everything, maybe I can get things done a lot faster and devote a day a week to not doing anything either all day or after a certain time.

Though I say this all might not last.  Really, I would like to keep it up, but mental exhaustion and all that happens.  We will see.  Maybe it will work.  Maybe it will just work for a little bit.  But I am going to try this to see if it helps at all at the very least.

We're having people tomorrow over for superbowl and puppy bowl and I am seriously only interested in the latter because the former is overrated and despite how many times I tried to get into football, I seriously just do not care.  I'll probably be doing work.

My roommate did ask me if I could try to have fun tomorrow, since I once again did not want to talk when he asked me how I was doing.  I did tell him that I was trying to not think about it, and was trying to just immerse myself in other things.  ...I said this as I was furiously scrubbing the stovetop and counters because of reasons.

I hate seeing Valentine's Day stuff now.  Which sucks because I actually was kind of not hating on it so much this year.  I had even found this cute kitten bouquet that I thought would be cute to give former friend-guy because he loves cats and cute things and dhsjhdskaj.  I'm just glad I hadn't ordered it before.

This time of year always sucks.


  1. I really hate the Superbowl too. And not just the Superbowl, but people who enjoy it. Well, I don't hate the people, I just can't really stand being around sports fans. Like, how do you find any enjoyment in watching people run around and catch/throw stuff?

    And yeah, Valentine's Day sucks. I went out and bought myself a heart-shaped box of chocolates today and a bag of skittles and a gallon of Arizona tea and laid in bed watching TV all day. I must have looked like the epitome of loneliness to the cashier at Walmart because he asked me about the chocolates and I was like "No. They're for me." He didn't respond, Haha.

  2. Haha, I honestly don't mind baseball, but I think it is because I grew up playing softball and around baseball fans and stuff. Football I'm just very eh about. I also tend to find hardcore football fans faaaaar more intolerable than hardcore baseball fans. But I can see why people wouldn't like either, aha.

    Well, Valentine's Day will need to be Single's Awareness Day this year! All us single people can run around and sneer and scare at couples who walk in our paths. Also chocolate and candy and tv sounds like the best way to spend that day and I might just need to follow your example.
