Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm just now realizing how grammatically terrible my previous entry was.  Probably because I was also watching South Park and writing my lesson plan and hanging out so that all contributed to me not paying attention to what I was writing.  Oh well.

I'm trying to really go through this coding for R, and I want to try and give them as much a foundation as possible for later on, though I also don't want to hold their hands so much that they can't do things on their own.  I'm going to emphasize trying to learn things by themselves; if they don't know a code for something, they should not immediately jump to asking someone else what it is.  I found I learned the best when I had to work through my issues with codes and everything...often being up for hours and hours and finding myself incredibly frustrated.  Especially with R.  But it did help, actually.  And I'm sure I'll continue to gt frustrated with both Stata and R but I'll keep trying to learn more things on my own.  Plus, having to teach them both will help me.

And I really would like to learn more in the ggplot2 package in R because those graphs are damn nice, actually.  I took a look at what I did last year, and...yep.  I'd like to be more comfortable with that so I can use it for graphing purposes.

Anyway, I was really sad this morning.  In a fog and dazed and tired and everything.  I avoided food until roommate asked me to get lunch with him and I guess my hunger overrode my sadness in that moment, since I went with him to the new food place that campus just got (it is kind of huge and awesome and I recognize some of the places from UC and that made me a bit nostalgic aha) a grilled chicken breast and some fries and it was yummy.

And I started off class still kind of sad and everything, but things got a bit better after I realized that this class session wouldn't be as bad as the two previous weeks had been.

Plus, I did cave and sign up for okcupid, though I did put that I am only looking for friends.  Honestly, I'm not sure what will come of it, but I got a few messages and responded to all of them (though apparently there is a 2-5 line convention/unwritten rule or something and I didn't know and I'm prone to tl;dr all over the place so if some people don't respond I won't be surprised, aha).  I'm hoping that people are just nice and will talk with me about stupid stuff.  Some are other Binghamton grad students, so maybe one day if we keep chatting I can meet up with some of them for lunch noms in the new food place or something.

Even though it was via a computer, chatting with new people wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Actually, it was probably better via computer and stuff.  But...we shall see.  I just think it would be a good idea to meet new people, as a way to try and tell myself not to do the bad things that my inner voice constantly tells me to do to myself.

Plus maybe, just maybe, I'll get out of the house a bit more.

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