Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In my session with Nancy, I pretty much vocalized my annoyances with kind of everything, especially with some things with the roommate and how I am so cynical and tired and I want to just run away and not have to deal with anyone or anything.  We went over some things that maybe I can do to get out of the house and meet new people and maybe that will make me less...miserable.  Or something.

So I did absolutely nothing when I got home except watch Parks & Rec and...that's pretty much it.  I should be trying to do something now but I'm still really tired and sad and I don't want to do anything.  So I probably won't.  And I don't care if I put myself behind.

I did make a grilled cheese with my panini grill though.  It was good.

...Not even in the mood to type a lot right now.

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