Friday, February 21, 2014

So I saw doctor today and I kind of missed talking to him, so that is definitely going to become a bi-weekly thing again this semester, I imagine.  After I told him about everything that happened and about my lack of a wide range of emotions, he seemed to feel really bad for me, saying that he was hoping that the enthusiasm and drive I had for my work at the end of last semester would have persisted.  He then said that it sounds like my lack of emotions is just because I am really really depressed still.  Which...makes sense. 

We decided to go up to 250 mg a day, thinking that it might be able to help. 

Something fun though: due to Twitch Plays Pokemon, friends and I are interested in starting a fun journal to talk about like...collective action problems and theories in these kinds of things.  It really would be interesting.  

Now just watching a bunch of animated movies and it is actually really awesome.

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