Thursday, February 20, 2014

Although I woke up feeling terrible and everything and actually debated skipping class, but since I was supposed to have a meeting with a professor about some papers, I dragged my ass there anyway.  I probably would have went no matter what but still.  My professor unfortunately cancelled after I got there, saying he got stuck at home, so I'll talk to him as soon as possible.

Surprisingly, though, today's class went actually well.  The professor was better today in that she seemed more open to everyone's ideas, including those who did not agree with each other and her.  And we got to make fun of constructivism and she liked some of the jokes I made, which was kind of a good way to ease tension and stuff.

Plus we got to leave early.  So that was nice.

I made grilled cheeses today and they were yummy.  Told myself I had to nom, so I made something delicious.  Woo.

Writing my lesson plan for tomorrow.  Have only gone through R so far.  Wahhhh.

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