Sunday, February 16, 2014


Moments like the one I just had make me think that I really can help people and maybe I'm not as bad as I think and that I can do nice things that are important and stuff.

My mom and dad have had a cruise booked starting tomorrow for a few months now.  I knew how excited they were.  So when I read a text from my dad saying that their flight for tomorrow was cancelled and there were no others, and that therefore they would not make it down to Florida for the boat, I got really determined to find an available flight.  So I stopped my game of Diablo I was playing with the roommate to search on Kayak.  And I was able to find something leaving out of Islip at 6:30 or so in the morning with only two seats left, and I immediately called my dad and sent him the link.

When he said that the site was only showing one seat available, I told him that I thought it would be a good idea to call, because my source said there was two and that it was still flying despite other cancellations.

So he got off the phone with me and called them, and I went in search for a backup.  Found one leaving out of D.C. in the morning, but I luckily did not need to use it because he called me back thanking me saying that they got it and the trip was back on!  He sounded super happy and I was jumping up and down shouting "YAYYYYY" in my living room because I was so excited that they are able to go and I was really happy I was able to help them and everything.

Really...even though this isn't a huge huge thing, it still made me think that I mattered in some way.  I helped my parents when they thought they were not going to be able to go and was able to make them happy again.  That counts for something, right?

I think so.

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