Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cyanide and Racing

Weird dream last night that was kind of all over the place. Unfortunately the ex was in it, but I'm not surprised by that anymore.

First, I remember my parents were around, and they were getting ready to go to the airport but it was like...10 minutes before their plane was leaving or something. Then we were at the airport going through security and the power in the entire place went out, and I worried about whether or not their plane was going to take off. It did, after the power went back on. I also recall a bar in the airport that was called, "The Bench," and its theme was the Supreme Court.

Then I left but I didn't go home; instead I went to some place and met up with my roommate from undergrad. We started racing other people on motorcycles; I drove and she hung onto me. A few times, we raced against ex and his friend, and we kept trying to find shortcuts and everything in order to beat them. I remember I always had to drive on a "Castle Road" or something.

We were neck and neck in one race, and ex started talking about the fact that he should have a cyanide pill in waiting. I started yelling at him, saying that was the dumbest shit idea that I had ever heard, and that he was so goddamn selfish and never thought about the people who cared about him. I then pulled ahead, really angry that he wanted to do something like that.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot. That dream was all over the place and weird. I'm almost certain there was another big part but I can't remember it right now.


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