Sunday, February 16, 2014

I haven't gone to a concert since the Streetlight ones back in November and I am getting really fucking antsy.

Though the bad thing is that I have been so unmotivated to leave Binghamton (despite really wanting to for a weekend or something) and do not have a working car (I have been using the roommate's for local places but would never ask to use it to drive somewhere far).  Hell even going places outside my house are kind of annoying sometimes.  My roommate said that we should arcade this week and I said sure though in my head I was kind of thinking that it is too far and I don't really care enough to go.

I've just felt awkward around people in general.  And I feel bad, somewhat, because I know that it is noticeable.  Or at least, I assume it is.  It seems that way.

Also I'm sick of this IR class already and I'm so over writing about the international system.  Ugh.

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