Monday, November 11, 2013

So Thor 2 is amazing and everyone should go see it and I adore Loki too much why is he so perfect.  He's such a good villain and he makes everything even more interesting, seriously.

In other news: I was talking with roommate about the Streetlight concert on the way over, and apparently his girlfriend was unaware that he and I are going together with no one else.  She asked if anyone else was going and there was this awkward silence for a few seconds before I realized that maybe I should have kept my mouth shut (honestly I didn't think that it would be a surprise) so I tried to save it.  I talked about how I invited other people but they didn't get the tickets in time and everything.

I could feel the rage seething from the back seat of Cornelius.

Maybe it is weird to me because when I was in a relationship, I trusted so much that when the ex asked if I would be okay if his ex stayed over on his couch I said that it'd be fine and I honestly meant that.  Because I trusted him and knew they were still friends and whatnot.  All that jazz.  So this sort of thing seems kind of weird to me.

I'm going to try to not let it bother me too much.  It is her problem, not mine.  Nothing is going to happen, and she should realize that by now.

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