Friday, November 22, 2013

I have not gone out with the department to the bar after workshops in over a month, simply because I don't really enjoy bars anymore.  Sitting there watching everyone else drink and socialize and be happy and whatnot...I don't know.  I'm not in the mood to socialize, usually, and I don't really drink anymore because of medication and because I just get really depressed and everything when I drink.  Usually I'm okay with one, but people like to stay for a long time and I just get very meh after a bit.  

Not to mention I always feel bad going to the bar immediately after workshop simply because Callie has been home all day by herself and I don't want to leave her home alone for much longer and all. 

Or maybe I'm just using her as an excuse to not go out and socialize and stuff. 

At least I get to see Catching Fire later tonight.  Even if I am incredibly tired right now.  I'll need to put my buncha crunch in the fridge so they get cold, because that is when they are the best.  

And I do get to go home tomorrow too, so that is good.  

I know I keep dropping things about the usual stuff and I really want to have another whole post on it or a vid or something but I am so tired that even that seems exhausting and everything.  Not that anything I would say would be radically different anyway. 

It just helps me sometimes, you know?  

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