Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I probably should have done my research beforehand, since I just read a bunch of things telling me to not use a muzzle to stop destructive chewing.  Oops.  And I already bought the muzzle and everything.  I guess I could always return it or just keep it for possible immediate fixes or something.

So it is back to trying harder to crate train.  I just brought her crate downstairs and I put a bunch of treats in and she got in alright and everything.  That is a bit better than how she used to be; she used to not want to get in at all during the day.  Maybe getting older helps?  I don't know.

Of course, she might just be calm right now also because I am sitting with her, so I might want to do something where I leave her alone, but still listening to see if she is trying to escape or anything.

I might try and get her a sturdier crate for Christmas or something like that.  Those aluminium ones are looking really good, even if they are really pricey.  But it might be better to invest than just keep hoping she will get better on her own and stop chewing.  That won't necessarily stop her anxiety.

Bah, I feel like a terrible pet parent.

My own parents told me that I shouldn't worry about the couch since it wasn't my fault, but it really is.  Everything she does is my fault, especially if I should have tried to fix it by now and all.  I just want her to be loved and everything.  She is really good and sweet and playful...she just hates being left by herself and freaks out because of it.

She would be better off with someone else, really.  I'm trying.

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