Sunday, November 24, 2013

Adventures in Puppying

So I am waiting for Ace Attorney to download so I can play it and I am really excite for it.  I think I'm taking all day today off and I'll try and do a ton of work tomorrow through Wednesday, since Wednesday is when people are going to be here and I'll never get anything done.

Alright, story time:

So roommate and I stopped at the North Shore Animal League on our way home, because he wanted to look at the pups there.  I originally wanted to bring Callie in so she could meet whoever he might want, but I was told I couldn't bring her in (and it might have been because a lot of the dogs inside didn't have their vaccinations or anything).

She and I walked around and visited the shop the was across the street and was affiliated with the shelter.  He had texted me basically saying he found the one and I was excited for him, and he went out to watch Callie so I could run inside and meet him too.  And he is such a tiny and cute little thing!  (I think he'll get between 40-50 pounds, personally; I don't think he will be as big as Callie is.)  So I went out an said I loved him, and Brendan went back in to fill out the application.  But then some time later, he called me and said that they turned him down.  Really, he sounded just upset and really fucking defeated.  I got kind of angry and asked why, and he said that it was because they said that since he does not have a full time job, they would not adopt to him.  I felt almost insulted; what we do is definitely a full time job, even if we are not always in the office and everything.  He said he wasn't sure what to do or what to say, because he just couldn't explain to this girl what we do and have her believe that we really actually do work full time and everything.  So he asked me to come in, saying that he did not care if Callie chewed up his seatbelts or anything, since he really wanted this dog.

He had the moment, like what I had with Callie.  I kept telling him that it would happen, so I'm really happy that it did!

While I was nervous about leaving Callie alone in the car, I did, opening the windows a bit and leaving a light on and a toy with her (she also got into all the treats I had just bought, which was okay) and ran through to get to him.  We waited in line and he was so upset and I just said that I would help him and I would try my hardest to convince them to change their mind.  So we got up and we ended up getting a different person.  And I turned on the sales charm and got stupid friendly and everything (and, not to be stereotypical, but it was a guy, and he immediately liked me and all).  So I basically did all the talking and explained to him what we do, and told him that we get a salary and do not have tuition payments or anything.  I also made sure he knew that I already have a dog and then I also talked about the neighbourhood and how great everyone was and all the pups that lived nearby.

The guy seemed more convinced, but he said that he would need to see a paystub to make sure and everything.  Again, roommate got kind of exasperated, because all his paystubs were in Binghamton, so he didn't have any.  I at first offered for him to see one of mine (which I had been using as a bookmark for Ender's Game), but he pointed out that it wouldn't work because it was mine and not his, which makes sense.  So then I suggested online banking; maybe showing the repeated payments in the bank account would work.  And we at first tried mobile: roommate took my phone since his wasn't working, and tried logging in.  His hands were shaking, and I could tell he was still freaking out.  But my battery was draining, and so the guy offered us to show on his computer.  And that ended up working!  He approved him, but then they just needed to call references, but I helped get roommate over that crucial first hurdle, and I was really happy that it ended up working.

Roommate was really grateful, and thanked me for staying with him and helping and everything.  He said that if I was not there and everything, he wouldn't even have a puppy right now, because he would have just given up.

I was really happy I was able to help him and everything.  I really really was.

It made me feel needed.  And like I mattered.

It was nice.

Home, also, has so far been great to me.

Download finished, so I'm going to get on that.

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