Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I finally managed to finish grading these papers and I can't tell if I was fair or not but I'm also not in the mode of caring all that much about it, really.

Though I ended up not writing the paper for Congress, simply because this really was not a week I wanted and I had no idea what to respond to in this book.  I sent him an email about it, because I got confused with respect to the weeks and everything, and I really don't think I was meant to be assigned this week.  I'll talk to him tomorrow and see.  I'll do my final papers for that class over the break, I'm hoping.  I don't think he will care all that much.  What is the point in writing something when I have no interest in responding to it and don't exactly know what to say anyway?

I've been incredibly tired and scatterbrained all day.  And sad.  Very sad.  Like just wanting to curl up under blankets and watch tv to get my mind off things sad.

But I kind of expected that given the date and everything, I suppose.  And being unable to sleep.  And being super stressed with all the work I have to do and all.

Really, I just want to go home.

Nancy even said that it might be best for me to spend most of my winter break away from Binghamton.  That I could use a change and I could use some time to just spend on myself and "put myself first" and everything like that, since I still have an extremely difficult time doing that and all.

Not going to lie, I wish plane tickets to London were not so expensive, because I would gladly just hop on a plane and head over there for a week by myself.

Then again, London even brings back memories.  But I wonder if my love for London would be able to overpower my anger at and disappointment in him.

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