Saturday, November 9, 2013

If I can remain focused for a few more hours, I can bang out the rest of this response paper.  The problem is remaining focused.  I pretty much know where I want to go with it and all, but I'm just not focused right now.  I was yesterday, which is why I was able to basically read the entire book for Monday then.

I took Callie to the park and to Petsmart and got her a few goodies and got her nails trimmed and everything, since they were starting to become talons, it felt like.  She had fun and is now completely exhausted and napping, which is good for me.  Though I still do not want to actually do any work.

Booked the hotel in Jersey for next week's Streetlight festivities and I can't wait.  I know I'm excited but I don't feel that sort of...excitement that I feel like I should.  It is similar to how I felt before the cruise and stuff.  But I am hoping that I will feel the more traditional excitement as Friday approaches.  Basically excitement equals just sort of...anticipation at this rate.  I don't know if that makes sense.  But usually when I say I am excited I don't really mean how I once felt excited.  It is different now.

Maybe tonight I will write another big post about ex and emails and stuff.  I have some more thoughts but I don't know if I'm just repeating things or not.  I guess in a way it doesn't matter if I am.

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